Restore your Health Through Science-Backed Nutritional Therapy

Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health through personalized diet and lifestyle changes. By understanding your unique health concerns, we empower you to make lasting, positive changes and guide you in gaining the knowledge to lead your own healing journey.

A woman at the beach relaxed
healthy asian fruit smoothie bowl

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is the application of the scientifically validated benefits of vital nutrients in food and herbs to promote and support the body's ability to heal from imbalances and disease.



of heart disease is preventable through diet

You are


less likely to suffer symptoms of depression with a healthy diet

Up to


Reduction in dangerous inflamation through healthy diet

Issues I can support you with

I have experience helping people with a very wide range of health concerns. In fact it's hard to think of a health problem that nutrional therapy can't help with in some way, so please arrange a free 15min chat to find out if it's for you.

Supporting Cancer recovery

ME, CFS, Long Covid, Fibromyalgia

Depression, Anxiety and mental health

Bowel, skin, gut related health conditions

"In food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative."

Hippocrates - A founding father of medicine

Steps to sucsess

tired and exhausted woman

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Exhausted by chronic health problems.


Taking the time to understand your health with the help of decades of diet research. Personalized for you.

a woman eating healthy food

Learn more about yourself and your body. Less pain, more freedom

Jenny Jeffs: My Story

I qualified as a nutritional therapist through the College of Naturopathic Medicine, London.

My journey into the impact of diet on health began early, as my mother, sister, and I have all had to deal with the chronic health conditions of CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia for decades. Traditional medicine repeatedly told us our test results were “normal,” even as we struggled with severe, life-limiting symptoms.

Through trial and error, we found real relief in alternative therapies —most transformative of all—nutrition. Having experience with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, I know the frustration of identifying triggers and the limitations of conventional care. I believe that collaboration between GPs, specialists, and skilled complementary practitioners is key to regaining control of health in the face of complex chronic conditions.

Book your consultation or find out more